Janet Evans Yoga
Shropshire, Telford area
BWY Teacher's DiplomaBWY Teacher's Diploma

Sattvic food is easy to digest. Whole Grain Cereals, Fresh Fruit, Pure Water, Vegetables, Milk, Ghee, home made fresh Yogurt, home made young soft Cheese, Legumes (peas and lentils), Beans, Nuts, Seeds, Sprouted Seeds, Honey (not mass produced) and Herb Teas. Eating slowly, with a calm reverential attitude is considered sattvic.

Tamasic items are dulling; including meat and animal products, alcohol, tobacco, mushrooms, hard cheese, preserves, fermented foods, such as vinegar and pickles, and stale or overripe substances. Canned, processed, refined, reheated, burnt, over-cooked, fried or fermented foods. Overeating is also regarded as tamasic.

Foods that are hot, spicy, bitter, sour, dry, pungent or salty are rajasic. Rajasic foods are stimulating; including sharp spices, strong herbs, pungent condiments, onions, garlic, potatoes, tomatoes, hot peppers, chillies, lemons, fish, eggs, whole pulses and dals, salt, stimulants; like coffee and tea, sugar and chocolate. Eating in a hurry is also considered rajasic, as is under ripe food.

Here are the meals/foods I had for a week. I found them all quick and easy, cooking for one. If you are cooking for more than one, or have more time you can make things like homemade breads and cakes, nut roast, curry or stew, but remember not to make extra to reheat – this is considered tamasic as vitamins and nutrients are destroyed. Remember, I kept mushrooms in my diet, they are tamasic but also help ward off colds and contain protein and other good things - also I love them! (Try to mix the kinds you buy, any except white button mushrooms, for more "good things".)

Homemade muesli
Mixed veg tabbouleh (with bulgar wheat)
Rainbow quinoa
Stuffed Mushrooms with sweet potato oven chips
Roasted veg with cashew or pine nuts
Mushroom risotto
Mashed potato & swede with mixed veg and mushroom & onion gravy
Watercress soup
Leek and potato soup
Sweet potato soup
Houmous, avocado & spinach salad with red salsa
Houmous, spinach, tomato and red pepper on rice cakes
Houmous filled avocado with spinach, chopped tomato and red pepper salad
Houmous with carrot, celery and red pepper crudités and corn chips
Muesli flapjack

Vary the recipes to suit your taste, and what's in season / in the fridge